
Saturday 30 March 2019

The End

Well, I hoped to get my first computer draft done, and it is. Still pretty rubbish in places - including where I skipped over a boring part and wrote 'She has to get to the mine again' to give me an excuse to write the more interesting action!

Now it's time to edit.

I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo with some friends over April, but using it as Camp NaNoEdMo, because that worked well for me before.

Apparently, if I'm aiming for 45,000 words of editing, I should be editing 1500 words a day.

I got a head start, and have done around 5,000 today, a day before we're supposed to officially start, but I might not be able to do every day in April. Depends what life throws at me.

But I'm back writing. And it feels great.

Saturday 23 March 2019

Within touching distance...

After a couple of false starts, I'm within touching distance of having the book I'm working on finished.

By which, I mean it's the first draft on computer; the story bones are there, but they are going to need fleshing out and polishing up.

There are still a couple of places I need to work on - a lot - particularly as most of the action happens in a mine, which results in lots of to-ing and fro-ing between the mine and other locations. To-ing and fro-ing gets boring after a while, so I have to decide how to get the story moving without needing to describe the physical journey.

And there are plenty of places where I've added notes because I've realised something doesn't quite work in the plot...

And of course there are plenty of points where I'm not consistently in the MC's POV, where I need to be able to write the action and thoughts in such a way that my reader is completely immersed in my MC's world.

And last of all, I have to look at book one in this series, to make sure this one feels similar in style.

So yeah, within touching distance, yet still a long, LONG way off. Going in the right direction though...