Saturday, 29 June 2013

Finding my feet

So...last night I set up the blog. Last night, I also dreamed about the blog. Bizarre.

But - I managed to do a little spite of the fact I have to remind myself where to find the blog, because 'Squidge's scribbles' doesn't come up on a search of Google.Did I just chose a daft name for a blog? Maybe - but as I operate on the Word Cloud (a writing community run by The Writer's Workshop) as 'Squidge', I thought it would link in nicely to my electronic persona there.

Why 'Squidge'? Well, at eighteen, I was a young leader with the Guide Association. At camps, we often had special names that tied in to the theme of the week; my first camp as adult leader had a woodland theme. I was Squirrel.

It didn't last long. Very quickly, the girls shortened it to 'Squidge' and it stuck - for the next twenty years. Although I've since left guiding, I like the name, so I resurrected it for my tentative forays into the writing community.

Don't think you'll ever see it on a book cover though - I'll stick to my real name if ever that happens.

And if you've managed to find me - do say 'hi!'


  1. Hey, Squidge, so that's where the name came from. I like your layout, nice and fresh looking, now all you have to do is write some "stuff" good luck with it.

    1. Hi Baz, just worked out how to add a flippin' comment! Glad you found me! Here's to a few more Squidge's scribbles in the future...

  2. Hi Squidge - I like the cool open space of this place (though that sounds hypocritical given my blog) - definitely one to watch.
    Sandra - EsmeD only on WordCloud

    1. Sandra - good to have you here! The cool open space is, I fear, only a result of me not really knowing what I'm doing...yet!

  3. Hi Squidey,
    So nice that you have overcome technophobisher-litis and got yourself a blog together. I shall watch with eager anticipation as you add more scribbles. x

    1. Pull up a pew, Steve - join me in a virtual glass of something celebratory as we wait for a few more bods to join the party!

  4. Hi Squidge! Well that was interesting! Didn't know you were a Guide. Have never known anyone who was a Guide; you're my first! I was a Brownie, but never got past my Golden Ladder, and broke my arm at a Sausage Sizzle.
    Looking forward to more Squidgy snippets and scribblings.

    1. Whisks, m'dear! Yep - guided for a long time...Queen's Guide, adult leader, association trainer for a while...just had to take a big step back when the kids came along. There might be guiding tales scribbled in future, who knows?

  5. Hey Squidge! It takes Google about ten days to 'find' your site so be patient. Well done on getting the blog going!

  6. Who is this Katherine Hetzel person? What have you done with Squidge?
    Welcome to blog land, Squidge. At times odd, frustrating, wonderful and delightful.

  7. Hi Squidge :)
    Found you! Interesting to find out where the nickname came from. I'll be watching this with interest.
    Jilly x

  8. Hi Squidge - dib, dib, dib, and all that (or was that just cubs?)I bet you have a wealth of Guiding memoirs to feed this new site. Write on, Katherine!

  9. Ele, Jules, Diesel and Tony - welcome, one and all! So glad you found me...and wowser! I have a follower! Hope you'll enjoy my scribbles; hoping to post later today, so do check back later...

  10. Replies
    1. Helena - good to see you! I think you're the first non-cloudie to find me.
