Wednesday 23 March 2016

Restoring the balance...

I haven't blogged for a week.

It's not simply that I've been busy - which I have! - it's more that I've needed time to recharge my writing batteries after the effort that went into StarMark's edit. Put simply, I've not wanted to write.

How much of that is tied up with nerves about the fast-approaching publishing date, I don't know. It's almost as though I can't bear to get stuck into anything because I know there will still be tweaks and discussions that could happen at any moment and I'll have to drop everything to deal with them. And - though this is rather exciting - I'm working with a great team at the university to make an animated trailer for StarMark, dealing with pictures rather than words!

Instead of writing, I've found myself being creative in other ways. I have a friend who's expecting, and I offered to knit a baby jacket. It's almost finished - I hope that it'll be in the post today or tomorrow. Baby jackets are so cute!

I've also been painting - and not in my own house, either! Several of us from our church congregation have been working hard on the new Vicarage, to get it ready for a moving-in date next month. My own contribution has been tiny compared to those who've worked long hours and organised the decorating. Mind you, that does remind me - I must get the lounge redecorated this year...

And I've been reading, spending time with my old favourite, Terry Pratchett.

When the batteries are sufficiently recharged, I'll be off again, probably on Rurik. Or maybe on something completely new - who knows? I'll keep you posted.

And to keep you smiling in the meantime, here's toddler-Squidge watering the daffodils in Granny and Grandpa's garden, circa 1968.


  1. It's not surprising that the writing brain switched off - I guess it's just those brain cells wanting a rest! The knitting and painting are using different brain cells. Hope the vicarage is coming along ok.

    1. Everything's going according to plan on the vicarage...and yes, it's been like a breath of fresh air to do something creative and un-wordy!
