Monday, 30 September 2013

Story time - in more ways than one.

OK, I've decided that, as I'm trying really hard to get the last Granny Rainbow story finished AND revamp Rurik so the rings aren't so obvious AND jot a stroyline for The Lufbra Job AND draft shorts for the next short story group collection - *whispers* - I'm going to cheat on this ultimate blog challenge!

Over the two years I've been a member of the Word Cloud, I've not missed a single monthly comp. Because of that, I've produced a variety of flash fiction which has been constrained by various parameters. (To be honest - that's part of the fun, giving myself a challenge and writing in ways I couldn't possibly hope to keep up through a  novel!) Now - some of the long standing cloudies who drop in here might have seen them before, but I reckon there's a lot of Squidge's Scribbles readers who haven't. So - every other day, purely for your enjoyment, there will be a very short story posted.

Added to that, I'm going to set up another 'Challenge Me!' If you didn't get involved last time, the idea is that you, blog reader, post three objects in the comments box below; I will hand over the list to the rest of my family, who will choose their favourite combination. Then, I'll endeavour to weave those objects into a story. (Please bear in mind that I reserve the right to delete suggestions I deem are unsuitable.) Last time, it ended up with me writing not one, but two stories - you can read them here and here.

I reckon I'll give you until the 15th to post your suggestions, then I'll stick the finished story up on the 31st. How's that?'s to Squidge's Scribbles and an October filled with snippety bits of literaryness!


  1. Hi. Katherine. Here are my three suggestions for a story... A Christening gown, An oil painting of a young girl. An old diary.
    Good luck. Stevie Mark. x

  2. A pint of milk, an industrial furnace and a Jimmy Choo shoe. Have fun!
    Amanda x

  3. This is becoming a great blog, Squidge, I couldn't resist these three: a tin of beans, a pair of granny's bloomers and a ticket to go see One Direction. Good luck. x

    1. One Direction...hmm...aren't they a boy band? (!)
