Part of me thinks I must have been mad to commit to it, newby-blogger that I am. But I have to say, I've enjoyed writing the posts immensely. Still trying to work out some teccy issues - like how do I embed pictures and things at the side of my blog, rather than in the posts themselves. Fortunately, I have a 14-yr old daughter who can probably advise me...
What I've realised is that I can't keep this pace of blogging up for ever - not least because my writing brain gets so taken up with what I want to share with you, blog reader, that I have no writing brain left for the things I should be concentrating on.
So from August onwards, I'll aim to post two, or maybe three, times a week. Best way to keep up to date is, I suppose, to follow me - but I will understand if you just want to pop back every now and again!
Don't forget that you have until the 2nd to post three things for the 'challenge me' story...
Right - I'm off to a virtual launch party for Stories for Homes...catch you later!
Party in full swing on Facebook...chocolate fountain and champagne!